Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme (BOPAS) accreditation
Within the Wyckham Blackwell Group of Companies, we are one of only a handful of Structural Insulated Panel (SIPS) providers in the country to hold the coveter BOPAS accreditation for build off-site property.
The Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme (BOPAS) is a risk-based evaluation which demonstrates to funders, lenders, valuers and purchasers that homes built from non-traditional methods and materials will stand the test of time for at least 60 years. For funders and lenders, it provides confidence that the construction system is fit for purpose and removes the uncertainty of the construction for valuation purposes. This removes the risk of mortgages for developers being declined and improves the business and technical risks to manufacturers of the construction system.
We’re incredibly honoured to be one of a handful of companies in the country to be awarded the coveted BOPAS accreditation in our sector of operations. Obtaining this will be important for third-party lenders and will ensure we’re at the top of the list for SIP providers, with only one or two other SIP companies in the country having the accreditation.